Acupuncture is an ancient healing art that originated in China over 3000 years ago. Today it is practiced across the world to address everything from chronic pain, irregular menstrual cycles, and insomnia. Traditional Chinese acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine acupuncture needles into various acupuncture points around the body with the goal of balancing the energy or qi in the body.
How can acupuncture help?
Acupuncture for fertility
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to support fertility and women’s health. With acupuncture, many women are able to have healthy fulfilling pregnancies, as well as manage the challenging symptoms that often arise during this time. Research shows that acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries, promotes healthy follicular development, and decreases the risk of miscarriage.
Acupuncture for pregnancy
At Ground Floor Health, we offer a complete acupuncture plan that addresses every stage of pregnancy, from conception to the delivery of your baby. During the first trimester, women are typically seen weekly to address morning sickness, reduce the risk of miscarriage, relieve musculoskeletal pain, and improve sleep. While many women typically feel best during the second trimester we continue to support common conditions as they arise such as fatigue, low back pain, and headaches. Treatments in the third trimester focus on any musculoskeletal complaints that have come up as a result of your rapidly growing baby. Additionally, this is a great time to begin preparing your body for labor. Pre-birth treatments are generally given weekly from week 36 until delivery. Pre-birth treatments have been shown to decrease the amount of time spent in labor, reduce the incidence of induction or cesarean section, support cervical ripening and maintain the baby in the best position for labor.
Acupuncture for acute and chronic pain
While acupuncture can be useful for a wide range of health issues, it is probably most well known for pain. There is growing research to support acupuncture’s efficacy in treating various types of pain including neck pain, low back pain, chronic headaches, migraines, and joint pain. Many patients report significant reduction in pain after their first treatment and sustained relief after multiple treatments.